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Thurston PTO News

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Upcoming events...

Want to see more Upcoming Events? View or Subscribe the PTO Google calendar   

Our first PTO meeting of the year is next Tuesday September 12th from 6-7pm in the school library, and we're very excited to be conducting a meeting in person for the first time since the pandemic started! You can check out the agenda here. Come and hear about our plans for the school year. Share your ideas, concerns, expertise and enthusiasm! If you haven't already, please consider joining one of our event committees this year. The PTO funds, organizes and enriches many of Thurston's programs and activities, and PTO depends on parents sharing a little of their time and support.

Save the dates for all of our meetings this school year:

September 12 (Add to Google Calendar) (iCal file) (Agenda)
October 17 (Add to Google Calendar) (iCal file)
November 21 (Add to Google Calendar) (iCal file)
December 19 - Zoom meeting (Add to Google Calendar) (iCal file)
January 16 - Zoom meeting (Add to Google Calendar) (iCal file)
February 20 - Zoom meeting (Add to Google Calendar) (iCal file)
March 19 (Add to Google Calendar) (iCal file)
April 16 (Add to Google Calendar) (iCal file)
May 21 (Add to Google Calendar) (iCal file)
June 4 (Add to Google Calendar) (iCal file)

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